Influential Religions - Baha'i

The unknowable “gate.”

Man is Ba’hou’la

The Baha’i believe in an “Unknowable God,” and their promise is peace.

Sayid Ali Mohammed called himself the Bab (or the Gate) in 1844, declaring that he was another manifestation of God – the 8th – and the 1st since the Islamic Mohammed.

This essentially denied the Koran, and persecution and death quickly followed him and many of his followers (Babis).

Mirza Husayn Ali took over a few years later, calling himself Bahu’u’llah (Glory of God), and his followers (Baha’i).

Ali not only called himself a prophet of Islam, but also the second coming of Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Maiytrea (Buddihism) and the Krishna (Hinduism).

Reconciliation pretty much sums up the Baha’I faith – that all religions are of God.

Not because it sounds good means that it is the Truth

False prophet – Matthew 24-23-24