Influential Religions - Islam

Submit or Surrender.

Man is Mohammed

Abrahamic Religion. Monotheistic – there is no god but Allah.
Heirs of Abraham.
Muslim – one who submits to the will of God. They believe it has always existed, from the time of Adam.
Believe that Abraham, Moses, Jesus were all prophets.
Mohammed was the final prophet. Married Khadija.
Met angel in cave – Jibril (Gabriel)
Qur’an and Sunnah – infallible words of God. Must wash before touching or reading it.
Sunni (Caliphate) vs Shi’ah (Imamate) Muslim – Divided by leadership struggles.
5 pillars of Islam – Shahadah/Salat/Zakab/Sawm/Hajj
Dietary Laws – no pork.. Halal foods